Showing posts with label Indonesia of herbal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indonesia of herbal. Show all posts


1000 benefits of Ciplukan Fruit for body health

What's with the Ciplukan fruit?

Besides Papaya fruit, there are other types of fruit that grow wild but are very beneficial for the health of the human body, namely Ciplukan or Cecendet (Sundanese) fruit, foreigners call it Morel Berry or Ground Cherry (English), Yor-yoran (Madura) with the Latin names Physialis paruviana and Physialis minima.

kitchenmedicine1, herbal in  indonesia

Ciplukan fruit contains vitamins A, C, D and K, also contains other substances such as lutein, Beta carotene and carotenoids, in addition to the fruit, the leaves, stems and roots are very efficacious for treating a myriad of diseases, so this fruit has 1000 benefits for the health of the body.

medicine in indonesia herbal

Ciplukan fruit that grows wild are small as big as marbles or as big as cherries (kersen: Sundanese) and are classified as local ciplukan fruit, and some are as big as chicken eggs or baseballs, namely ciplukan fruit that is cultivated, the characteristics of the Ciplukan fruit are wrapped by the petals, it has a slightly sour taste when it is young and when it is old or ripe it tastes sweet according to and dr.zaidulakbar.resep.

In Indonesia, not many people cultivate it. Ciplukan plants usually grow wild in newly harvested land, grow in all climates, both in the lowlands (rice fields) or in the mountains(gardens), the price of ciplukan fruit is quite expensive, between 50,000 - 500,000 per kg. it depends on the type.

You need Local Ciplukan Fruits and Seeds, please Order HERE

What diseases can be cured by Ciplukan or Cecendet Fruit for the health of the body?, let's look at the next explanation.

In this article I only found 26 types of diseases that can be cured by Ciplukan fruit and leaves. For the rest, please browse on other sites.

Read also : Benefits of Gedy Leaves for Pregnant Women

According to several sources, if consumed regularly, ciplukan fruit and leaves can treat and control 26 diseases including:

1. Treating Rheumatism

2. Treating coronary heart disease

3. Treating breast cancer

4. Prevent and treat Stroke

5. Relieves Cough

6. Helps overcome diabetes

7. Cure Flu and Cough

8. As an Asthma drug

9. Lowers fever / fever

10. Improve Eye Health

11. Boils

12. Ringworm/Scurvy

13. Overcoming High Blood Pressure

14. Overcome Inflammation

15. Boost the immune system

16. Strengthens Bones

17. Protects Kidneys and Liver

18. Helps Lung Disease

19. Medicine for Skin Diseases

20. Maintain Skin Health

21. Prevents Premature Aging

22. Treating Epilepsy or Epilepsy

23. Treating Vertigo

24. Overcoming Canker sores

25. Helps Neutralize Toxins

26. Provides Energy Reserve

Many who read this article: 

Binahong LEAF or Dheng San Chi for Beauty and Herbal Medicine

If you want to know how to mix Ciplukan fruit and leaves for prevention or treatment, please visit Here

If you need Local Ciplukan Fruit, please contact me, we also provide plant seeds for cultivation.

So hopefully useful.


Binahong LEAF or Dheng San Chi for Beauty and Herbal Medicine

What is Binahong Leaf..?

1. Binahong plant

Binahong or Anredera cordifolia is a creeping plant, widely used by the Chinese as traditional medicine, and the name Binahong in China is Dheng San Chi.

herbal medicine , traditional medicine and health

2. Binahong Leaves as Medicine

Almost all of the binahong plants can be used as herbal medicine. Binahong or Dheng San Chi leaves can be planted by planting them in the yard, among the diseases that can be treated using binahong leaf concoctions, namely:

Coughing / vomiting blood, leaky lungs, diabetes, shortness of breath, acute ulcers, low blood pressure, fractures, kidney inflammation, itching skin / eczema, nosebleeds, swollen intestines, etc.Other herbal medicines that can also be used are the Benefits of Gedy Leaves for Pregnant Women Health

Read also : 1000 benefits of Ciplukan Fruit for body health

3. Binahong leaves as a facial beauty medicine

In Indonesia, apart from health, Binahong leaves or Dheng San Chi can also be used as traditional herbal medicine, the potential for herbal medicine in Indonesia is that there are many kinds of medicinal plants, one of which is the Binahong Plantbinahong leaves are also useful for facial beauty for women by drinking Binahong leaves or Dheng San Chi after boiling and can also be eaten directly as fresh vegetables.

herbal medicine , traditional medicine and health

The benefits and uses of Binahong or Dheng San Chi leaves for beauty are actually many, but in this article only 5 benefits and uses for facial care are described, which are taken from several sources, namely:

a. Remove Blackheads

Binahong leaves or Dheng San Chi can remove blackheads on the face by washing your face 3 times a day with binahong leaf boiled water regularly.

b. Tightens Facial Skin

Another benefit of Binahong or Dheng San Chi leaves can make facial skin tighter. Moreover, dead skin cells and wrinkles can also be overcome with this binahong leaf.

The method is quite easy, which is to make binahong leaves as a mask. Take 10 pieces of binahong leaves and then mash them or you can mix them with honey.

Binahong leaf masks can be used immediately and in order to see the results, you must do it regularly, your facial skin will become tight like young again.

c. Whiten Facial Skin

Many facial medicines are sold in the market so that the face becomes white, now Binahong Leaves or Dheng San Chi can also whiten the face by drinking binahong boiled water by drinking it after it is cold, do it regularly.

d. Prevents Skin from Free Radicals

Binahong leaves can also function to prevent the skin from free radicals because they have a high antioxidant content. So binahong leaves are very good for warding off free radicals and overcoming skin damage, Just boil the binahong leaves and wash your face with the cooking water.

e. Treating Acne

For oily and acne-prone faces, do treatment with Binahong Leaves or Dheng San Chi, the way is to drink this binahong leaf boiled water regularly every day.

Read also : Benefits of Gedy Leaves for Pregnant Women

Another benefit by drinking binahong leaves is that it can shrink the pores on the face, and smooth the skin, so that your face looks more naturally beautiful.

That is the review of Binahong Leaves or Dheng San Chi for Beauty and Herbal Medicine that I can convey, if you want to know more about Binahong Leaves or want to plant them, please open the site next to Binahong Leaf Cultivation Methods,

So, don't forget if you want to share knowledge, please share this article with your friends by clicking SHARE, who knows you need it.

Good luck.


Turmeric and 6 The Benefits for Digestive Health

Turmeric or Kunir (Indonesia) with its latin name Curcuma longa is an annual plant of rhizomatous herbs from Zingiberaceae ginger family Originated from the Indian and Southeast Asian continent, for cultivation requires temperatures between 20 and 30 ° C (68-86 ° F) and considerable annual rainfall for developing.

One of these natural spices has a million benefits, including for digestion. With its distinctive yellow color turmeric can be used as a seasoning herbs and herbs in herbal tea.
Traditional Medicine And Health

Some benefits of turmeric As Traditional Medicines are:

1. Relieves diarrhea

Drugs, food poisoning, viruses, allergic effects, and unhealthy foods can cause diarrhea. By drinking herbal tea concoction turmeric your diarrhea can be cured. The content of magnesium and potassium in turmeric helps fight dehydration and balances the drained body fluids due to diarrhea attacks.

2. Reduce gas on digestion

Flue gas (farting) is important to ensure that your digestion is fine, but if it is excessive? The sign is something wrong in your stomach.
Benefits of turmeric for the problematic digestion, powerful to reduce the pressure of gas in the stomach. Turmeric compound serves to reduce the acid in the abdomen is excessive, or make the stomach becomes bloated.
How to consume for the treatment is: Pour a spoon of turmeric that has been pounded until smooth into a glass of warm water of medium size and then drink.

Read also : 1000 benefits of Ciplukan Fruit for body health

3. As an anti-inflammatory ingredients body

Turmeric is one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory properties. In one study, 117 people who were diagnosed with digestive problems were tested. They were given 1 gram of fine turmeric powder for tea for 8 weeks.
At the end of the study, the results found were that their digestive inflammation was lower than those who rarely ate turmeric. This is one of the benefits of turmeric for digestion, especially treating colitis.

4. Relieves pain due to irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disease condition that causes intestinal contractions to become abnormal, affecting the work of the colon in the digestive system.
Benefits of turmeric for this digestion, acts as a natural remedy that reduces abnormal muscle movement. With the content of vitamins, minerals and other fine chemicals, turmeric is able to relieve pain that causes diarrhea if kontraksiinya excessive.

5. Treating gastric acid diseases

A study in the journal Systematic Reviews found that people who in cooking contain a spoon of turmeric spice, proved to have a healthier digestive system. The digestion in question here is the stomach and colon.
Some foods can harm the health of the stomach and can erode the intestinal wall. Compounds contained in turmeric is useful to protect and coat the stomach wall, by increasing the production of mucus.

6. Reduce nausea

There are many health conditions that can cause nausea, such as stress, dehydration, or even an infection of the digestive tract. If nausea is felt to be caused by digestive problems, turmeric as a natural herb can reduce nausea in the digestive tract.
Content of phytochemicals in this turmeric, serves to bring antioxidants in the body that works against the poison so that your nausea can be appeased.

Many who read this article: 14 Traditional Drugs From Indonesia

Turmeric is used for arthritis, stomach ulcers (dyspepsia), joint pain, abdominal pain, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, bypass surgery, bleeding, diarrhea, intestinal gas, flatulence, appetite loss, jaundice, liver problems, Helicobacter pylori (H pylori), ulcer disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gallbladder abnormalities, high cholesterol, skin conditions called lichen planus, skin inflammation due to radiation treatment, and fatigue.
It is also used for headaches, bronchitis, colds, lung infections, fibromyalgia, leprosy, fever, menstrual problems, itchy skin, recovery after surgery, and cancer.
Other uses include depression, Alzheimer's disease, swelling in the middle layer of the eye (anterior uveitis), diabetes, water retention, worms, autoimmune diseases called systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), tuberculosis, bladder inflammation, and kidney problems.
Some people apply turmeric to the skin due to illness, ringworm, sprains and swelling, bruising, leech bites, eye infections, acne, inflammatory skin conditions and skin injuries, pain in the mouth, infected wounds, and gum disease
Similarly, traditional medicine about Turmeric or Kunir that I can convey, may be useful.


14 Traditional Drugs From Indonesia

Uric Acid is one of the diseases that enough to interfere with daily activities, gout disease is commonly experienced by people who are elderly. Symptoms and signs of Uric Acid disease are usually like an unbearable pain, swelling in one of the limbs around the leg area, and the heat is also aching in the joints.

The most commonly exposed parts of uric acid are the toes, finger joints, knees, and ankles. Men are more often exposed to uric acid than in women, women are less affected and although exposed usually when experiencing menopause.

Taditional Medicine and health

Uric Acid can be blended with Traditional Medicines as follows:

1. Black Honey

Black honey is taken from the forest's interior forest, produced by bitter flowering nectar bees, such as the antithesis, mahogany, coffee, etc. Black Bitter Honey contains a high alkaloid as an anti-infective and antibiotic, is very useful to overcome uric acid.

2. Japanese Ants

According to one study, Japanese ants contain amino acids, proteins, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, and others. As for how to treat uric acid disease with Japanese ants is to consume 3-5 Japanese ants every day by eating it directly, make sure you have eaten first.

3. Pure Honey

According to one study, pure honey contains proteins, vitamins and minerals, niacin, calcium, copper, riboflavin, iron, magnesium, pottasium and zinc.
As for how to treat gout with honey is by drinking it directly or mixing honey into the food or drink you consume, you should choose the original honey to not contain too much sugar

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4. Noni Fruit (morinda citrifolia L.)

Regional name in Indonesia: Mengkudu; Must; Kemudu; Cangkudu; Bengkudu; Keumudu; Lengkudu; Bakudu; Kodhuk; Pace; Benthis; Makudu; Mekudu; Bingkudu; Wangkudu; Kungkudu; Manakudu; Bangkulu; Pamarae; Neteu; Labannan; Grant; Ai-combo
According to the results of research that the fruit mengkudu contain scoleptin, terpenoid, anti-cancer substances, xeronine and phroxeronine

How to treat gout with Noni fruit is:

Ingredients: 2 kg of old noni fruit, 4 cm white turmeric, galangal 2 cm, clove seed 3 grains, 2 liters of clean water. Pots or pans to boil.
Cut noni fruit into 4 parts. Then soak in clean water about 30 minutes. Then input into the panic that contains 2 liters of water earlier.
Put the turmeric that has been cleaned and peeled into the pan.
Boil and let until the water is reduced to 1 liter of water.
After that do not reduce the fire first, put the cloves and cinnamon into the pan.
After all ingredients are put into a well mixed pot, turn off the heat and strain the cooking water using a thin cloth.
After filtering let stand until the cooking water becomes clear / clear.
Water decoction of noni fruit ready for consumption.

5. Soursop Leaves (annona muricata L.)

Country of Origin: Caribbean, Central America and South America.
Name of area in Indonesia: Nangka Sebrang, Nangka Landa (Jawa) Walang Nasi, Soursop (Sunda), Nangka Buris, Nangkelan (Madura), Srikaya Jawa (Bali), Boh Lôna (Aceh), Durio Ulondro (Nias), Durian Betawi Minangkabau), And Jambu Landa

Soursop leaf or Dutch jackfruit that has Latin name .... According to the research results of soursop leaves contain fiber, vitamins A, B, and C, minerals consisting of pottasium, calcium, iron, gentisate acid, annonacin, annocatilin, and anonol.

How to treat gout with soursop leaves are:

Ingredients: 6-10 sheets of soursop, 2 cups of water and pots / pans to boil.
Wash the soursop leaves with running water.
Cut the soursop leaves into several parts, this is done so that saris contained in the leaves are not mixed with water.
Put the soursop leaves into a pan / pan that already contains 2 cups of clean water, then boiled until boiling.
Wait and let stand until water is reduced to 1 cup.
Pour boiled water soursop leaves and let stand until cool.
Decoction of soursop leaves ready to drink and should be drinking 2 times a day every morning and night regularly.

6. Moringa Leaves (moringa oleifera)

According to a study, moringa leaves contain vitamin C, calcium, protein, potassium, and iron. As for how to treat gout with kelor leaves are:
Prepare Moringa leaves to taste.
Clean the leaves of kelor with warm running water.
Dry to dry.
Mashed the dried kelor leaves until smooth by using a clean pestle.
Store in a closed place or input into a jar.
Moroccan powder that has been pounded and smoothed ready for consumption and may be mixed with food or drink.

7. Leaves Binahong (basella rubra linn)

Heartleaf Maderavine Madevine, (English), Deng San Chi (Tionghoa)
According to a study, the leaves of binahong contain flavonoids, oleanolic acid, vitamin C, saponins, alkaloids, and essential oils.

How to treat gout with soursop leaves are:

Ingredients: 20 young binahong leaves, 8 glasses of white water,
Clean the leaves of binahong with water then squeeze-feather until exit mucus.
Boil the juice of the leaves of the binahong with a flame that is not too tight. Up to boiling and remaining 3 cups.
Then lift and chill, and after the cold is ready to be drunk.
Preferably drinking before going to bed regularly as acid urt disease-completely healed.

8. Leaves Cat's Whiskers (orthosiphon aristatus)

Regional names in Indonesia: Mustache cat (Malay - Sumatra), Cat whiskers (Sunda), remujung (Java), sease salaseyan, songkot koceng (Madura).
According to a study, the cat's whiskers contain potassium salts, essential oils, flavonoids, and much more.

As for how to treat gout disease with cat's whiskers are:

Ingredients: 5 sheets of cat whiskers, 3 stems meniran - 250 cc of clean water
Boil all of these ingredients into the pot that has been filled with clean water before boiling and wait until the water is reduced to about 1 cup.
Pour into gfelas and filtered, then cooled
After cold water boiled Leaves Mustache The cat is ready to drink
Should drink 3-4 times a day.

9. Red Betel Leaves (piper ornatum)

According to one study, red betel leaf contains allylprockatol, alkaloids, cineole, extragol, eugenol, phenyl propodies, extragol, essential oils and much more.

Ingredients: 7 pieces of red betel leaf and 1 stem 15cm long, 4 cups water, pot / pan to boil.
Wash all prepared materials thoroughly.
Small slices of these materials until they become small.
Boil all ingredients until boiling.
Add honey if necessary.
Cooking water is ready to drink, drink ½ cup every day.

10. Red Ginger (zingiber officinale)

According to one study, red ginger contains zingiberol, bisabolene, kurkumen, gingerol, filandrena and bitter resin. As for how to treat gout disease with red ginger are:

Ingredients: 2-3 segments of red ginger.
Clean the red ginger with clean water to the surface of ginger, then cut into pieces of thumb.
Insert the ginger pieces into the boiling water.
Boil ginger until the water color changes.
Remove the ginger stew and let it cool.
If it is cold, boiled water is ready to be drunk and consumed 2-3 times a day.

11. Mangosteen Skin (garcinia mangostana)

Regional names in Indonesia: Manggus (Lampung), Manggu (West Java), Manggusto (North Sulewesi), Manggista (West Sumatra)

According to a study, mangosteen skin contains antioxidants, protein, calcium and so forth. As for how to treat gout with the skin of mangosteen is:
Fruit the skin of the mangosteen fruit and put it into a blender.
Add 1 glass of water and sugar to taste.
Blend until smooth and drink every 2 times a day on a regular basis.

The second way:

Slice the skin of the mangosteen fruit thinly then drying the skin to mangosteen can last long against the fungus.
After the skin of the mangosteen is dry, grab a handful then boil it with a glass of water.
Wait a few minutes until the mangosteen's skin is withered.
Mangosteen skin that has been boiled earlier you can use to be made juice.

12. Olive Oil

According to one study, olive oil contains good fats, vitamin E and K, phenolics, iron, and so on.

Consume it directly every morning and evening on a regular basis, it is recommended to eat this olive oil before eating.
Mixing olive oil with the food you eat, for example if in the morning you eat cereal then mix the olive oil on the cereal you eat.
Replace cooking oil with olive oil when it wants to fry food.

13. Leaf Greetings

Regional names in Indonesia: Ubar serai (Melayu), Salam (Sunda, Java and Madura), Kastolam (Kangean), Mmanting (Java), Meselengan (Sumatera)
According to one study, bay leaves contain tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and essential oils.

How to treat gout with soursop leaves are:

Ingredients: 10 bay leaves, ½ lemongrass, 700 cc of clean water, pots / pans.
Boil bay leaves and lemongrass into a pot / pan that has filled 700cc of clean water until the water is reduced to 200 cc.
After boiling then lift and pour into another glass, then let stand until warm.
After warm and then drink and should drink water boiled laurel leaves 1-2 glasses every day.

14. Leaves Sambiloto

Regional name in Indonesia: Bersata (Melayu); soil moisture (West Sumatra); sambiloto, ki pait, bidara, andiloto (Central Java); ki oray (Sunda); pepaitan (Madura), while the foreign name Chuan xin lien (China)
According to a study, the bitter leaf contains flavonoids, alkanes, ketones, aldehydes, calcium, potassium, and sodium. As for how to treat gout with bitter leaf is:
Ingredients: 10 g of bitter leaf, 10 g of ginger, 10-15 gr of rifey leaves, 1 gram of pepper
Wash all ingredients, then mix all ingredients and boil with 5 cups of water until the remaining 3 cups of water in it.
Lift and chill
Cooking water while you are ready to drink, drinking 3 glasses each day ie morning, noon, and night regularly.

So guidance that I can convey, if this tutorial useful please share to your other friend.

May be useful.

Source: Various Sour