
1000 benefits of Ciplukan Fruit for body health

What's with the Ciplukan fruit?

Besides Papaya fruit, there are other types of fruit that grow wild but are very beneficial for the health of the human body, namely Ciplukan or Cecendet (Sundanese) fruit, foreigners call it Morel Berry or Ground Cherry (English), Yor-yoran (Madura) with the Latin names Physialis paruviana and Physialis minima.

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Ciplukan fruit contains vitamins A, C, D and K, also contains other substances such as lutein, Beta carotene and carotenoids, in addition to the fruit, the leaves, stems and roots are very efficacious for treating a myriad of diseases, so this fruit has 1000 benefits for the health of the body.

medicine in indonesia herbal

Ciplukan fruit that grows wild are small as big as marbles or as big as cherries (kersen: Sundanese) and are classified as local ciplukan fruit, and some are as big as chicken eggs or baseballs, namely ciplukan fruit that is cultivated, the characteristics of the Ciplukan fruit are wrapped by the petals, it has a slightly sour taste when it is young and when it is old or ripe it tastes sweet according to Doktermuslim.id and dr.zaidulakbar.resep.

In Indonesia, not many people cultivate it. Ciplukan plants usually grow wild in newly harvested land, grow in all climates, both in the lowlands (rice fields) or in the mountains(gardens), the price of ciplukan fruit is quite expensive, between 50,000 - 500,000 per kg. it depends on the type.

You need Local Ciplukan Fruits and Seeds, please Order HERE

What diseases can be cured by Ciplukan or Cecendet Fruit for the health of the body?, let's look at the next explanation.

In this article I only found 26 types of diseases that can be cured by Ciplukan fruit and leaves. For the rest, please browse on other sites.

Read also : Benefits of Gedy Leaves for Pregnant Women

According to several sources, if consumed regularly, ciplukan fruit and leaves can treat and control 26 diseases including:

1. Treating Rheumatism

2. Treating coronary heart disease

3. Treating breast cancer

4. Prevent and treat Stroke

5. Relieves Cough

6. Helps overcome diabetes

7. Cure Flu and Cough

8. As an Asthma drug

9. Lowers fever / fever

10. Improve Eye Health

11. Boils

12. Ringworm/Scurvy

13. Overcoming High Blood Pressure

14. Overcome Inflammation

15. Boost the immune system

16. Strengthens Bones

17. Protects Kidneys and Liver

18. Helps Lung Disease

19. Medicine for Skin Diseases

20. Maintain Skin Health

21. Prevents Premature Aging

22. Treating Epilepsy or Epilepsy

23. Treating Vertigo

24. Overcoming Canker sores

25. Helps Neutralize Toxins

26. Provides Energy Reserve

Many who read this article: 

Binahong LEAF or Dheng San Chi for Beauty and Herbal Medicine

If you want to know how to mix Ciplukan fruit and leaves for prevention or treatment, please visit Here

If you need Local Ciplukan Fruit, please contact me, we also provide plant seeds for cultivation.

So hopefully useful.

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