Showing posts with label Herbal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herbal. Show all posts


5 Types of Traditional Medicine Healers Cholesterol

Level of Cholesterol Disease is Low Cholesterol and High Cholesterol, in this article I will discuss about high cholesterol that has become a very common health problems and Adults who have entered the middle age are exposed to high cholesterol. This is because it has a bad and unhealthy lifestyle.

Consuming foods that contain high saturated fats and lack of exercise will also affect and exposed to high cholesterol.Along with the increasing number of deaths due to causes of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer due to high cholesterol, the public became aware of the importance of health.

Many people want to lower their cholesterol naturally and traditionally. And actually a lot of traditional medicine types of cholesterol healers, but in this article I will only explain 5 Types of Traditional Medicine Cholesterol Healers, please if you are exposed or have symptoms of cholesterol to try it as directed.

1. Garlic

Traditional Medicine indonesiaYou must already know Garlic, Garlic is usually used to make cooking spices so that the cuisine will become more delicious. But now you can try as a cholesterol-lowering by eating a few cloves of garlic every day. Garlic contains glucosinates that can work to reduce bad cholesterol and increase healthy cholesterol levels.
In addition, garlic will relieve various symptoms associated with high cholesterol such as:

  • Plaque In Arteries,
  • Blood Vessel Refinement,
  • High blood pressure,
  • Infections Due To Lousy Cholesterol And
  • Blood Clotting Risk.

How to consume is: 

Eat 3 to 4 cloves of garlic every day. Then drink enough water to prevent the danger of dehydration.

2. Red Onion and Honey

Traditional Medicine indonesiaSurely you already know the type of Onion, red onion is also a complement to cooking because it will increase the taste of cuisine. Onion has been proven by several herbal health experts in China and Hongkong. And containing flavonoids that will reduce LDL also increase good cholesterol. In addition, according to research onion contains quercetin which will increase good cholesterol.

How to consume is: 
To get flavonoid and quercetin in red onion then use red onion into lalapan, mix it as spice by boiling and saute onion with small fire. This will help maintain levels of flavonoids and quercetin.

3. Orange Juice

Traditional Medicine indonesia
Orange juice made from all types of oranges will help lower cholesterol. In ancient times orange juice into a traditional drink that can help maintain health. Each orange juice contains nutrients that will fight cholesterol like flavonoids, vitamin C and folate. In addition, the content of phytosterol in orange juice will reduce LDL up to 12%. However, orange juice should be consumed without sugar or replace the honey with honey. Avoid factory-made orange juice containing preservatives.

How to consume is:
Drink orange juice as much as three cups every day. In the morning before meals and not after meals.

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a natural food of the type of wheat crop. And contains fiber that is soluble in liquid and beta glucan. Both of these ingredients will effectively lower fat and cholesterol in the body.
Indonesian society is already accustomed to consume heavy food for breakfast. The habit of adding a side dish containing fat in the morning can indeed increase body energy. But for people with high cholesterol, then replace a heavy breakfast with a bowl of oatmeal 

How to consume is to cook three or four tablespoons of oatmeal with warm water until it becomes mush. To enhance the taste add banana slices, strawberries or various types of nuts such as almonds and walnuts.

5. Water Coriander

Traditional Medicine indonesia
Coriander is a spice that can enhance the flavor and aroma of each dish. Coriander has a very strong aroma. Natural ingredients in cilantro can increase good cholesterol by beating excessive LDL in the body. In addition, coriander can help the process of absorption of sugar in the body so as to reduce the risk of diabetes.

How to cultivate coriander for traditional medicine:

  1. Cook 2 spoon of cilantro with 1 cup water to boil.
  2. Strain and cool the water then drink in the morning and evening.
  3. You can add honey or milk to enhance the taste.

That's the explanation of the 5 Types of Traditional Medicine Cholesterol healers, again in fact there are still many types of traditional medicine for lowering High cholesterol to be low and really back to normal.
May be useful


Benefits of Gedy Leaves for Pregnant Women

Did You Know What is GEDI LEAVES?

There are still many who do not know the type of plants, especially the younger generation, such as what is its shape and how its properties and benefits ...? , it's just that the surface is softer. is a plant that is usually a vegetable for inclusion in manado porridge and is also often found in Papua. Not only in Indonesia, in the Pacific Islands, this plant is cooked together with coconut milk. Generally in Asia also cook it by sauteing in a frying pan along with a few cloves of garlic.

Benefits of Gedy Leaves for Pregnant Women

Many Benefits of Gedi Leaves for Pregnant Women of course for mothers who are pregnant, so for mothers who are pregnant must know Gedi Leaves, if you have trouble finding it, please contact me or message and write in the comment column, we will send it free only just ask for the postage, a more comprehensive way is at the end of this paper.

Benefits of Gedy Leaves for Pregnant Women

Gedi leaves many benefits for health, especially for women who are pregnant or contain them, namely:
1. Gedi Leaves To Strengthen the Fetus
Gedi leaves contain folic acid which is good in fetal development because during pregnancy pregnant women often experience megaloblastic anemia of pregnancy. This anemia is caused by folic acid deficiency. Gedi leaves can also be a stamina enhancer.
2. Gedi Leaves Can Prevent Miscarriage
When a pregnant woman experiences miscarriage and intentional or unintentional bleeding, this can be prevented by gedy leaves so that the fetus of the pregnant mother becomes stronger. A mother who is experiencing nutritional deficiencies due to fatigue, gedi leaves can become a source of nutrition due to weight loss and diarrhea.

3. Gedi Leaves Facilitate Childbirth

The original inhabitants of Micronesia have been using gedi leaves not only to cure colds, diarrhea or dysentery, but gedy leaves are consumed in order to facilitate and speed up labor. The researchers examined the gedi leaves which found in these leaves found antiviral (antiviral). This leaf contains ethanol extract which has anticonvulsant and antidepressant properties. Gedi leaves themselves are genes that offer pain or calm.

4. Gedi Leaves To Control Fertility of the Womb

In the Caribbean, gedy leaves are believed to overcome problems in the female reproductive system. This is because gedi leaves can regulate blood sugar. Besides gedi leaves are aphrodisiac or can increase sexual arousal. This herb also improves sexual function in women

5. Gedi Leaves To Increase Breast Milk Production.

Because the benefits of gedy leaves for pregnant women contain folic acid, the leaves are very good for breastfeeding. Thus the source of nutrients in these gedi leaves will increase the quality of the milk produced and increase its quantity to be more.

6. Gedy Leaves To Reduce Acidosis in Pregnant Women

This plant is a rich source of calcium and rich in alkaline elements which is important in maintaining clean tissue and maintaining alkaline properties in the blood (alkali). In addition to the benefits of gedy leaves for pregnant women can prevent chronic diseases that occur due to too much acid in the body of the mother.

7. Gedi Leaves and Carrot Mixes for Dental Care for Pregnant Women

If when a pregnant woman who has complaints of pain in the teeth must reduce the use of chemical drugs that are feared to affect the health of the fetus, the Benefits of Gedi Leaves for Pregnant Women have an antidote as a substitute for chemical drugs, namely by mixing gedi leaves into juice, so that it is effective in strengthening the gums and cure cavities. In the manufacture of juice added with carrots will cure bleeding gums and ulceration. Or by chewing the gedi leaves on the gums.

8. Gedi Leaves As a Constipation Medicine in Pregnant Women

Gedi Leaf Juice that is made will be able to clean the digestive tract and remove the old pile of waste attached to the intestine. So that in addition to maintaining the function is also beneficial to rejuvenate the bowel movements.

9. Good Gedi Leaves For Pregnant Skin

Gedi leaves contain collagen which is useful as a skin smoothener. In this case pregnant women can take advantage not only to smooth the skin because gedi leaves have a function to be able to accelerate blood circulation. How to mix it is by drinking the gedi leaf boiled water.

10. Gedy Leaves For Pregnant Women with Anemia

Gedi leaves have a high source of iron (Fe). When done absorbing nutrients, then formed hemoglobin and red blood cells. So that in this leaf effective to build blood and not only treat anemia but also to prevent anemia,

11. Gedy Leaves To Eliminate Urinary Disorders in Pregnant Women

When gedi leaves are made juice then coconut water is added then after once or twice consumption it will immediately have an diuretic effect. This is due to the combination between Nitrate and Pottasium in the gedi leaves and coconut water. So it is safe to drink while pregnant. It is also safe to give if you are experiencing nephritis and minimal urination caused by dehydration.

12. Gedi Leaves Can Stabilize Mood of Pregnant Women

This is because gedi leaves are similar to noni fruit which contains serotonin, which is an antidepressant that reduces stress. Thus feeling pregnant women better, more stable and reduce anxiety disorders.

13. Gedi leaf content as an ulcer drug for pregnant women

The content in gedi leaves, if consumed, can contain the stomach lining and reduce the risk of irritation caused by microorganisms. If pregnant women consume it, there is no need to use chemical ulcer drugs. This is due to gedi leaves can function as an antibacterial to kill the bacteria that causes ulcers.

14. Gedi Leaves Can More Humidify Pregnant Women Who Have Difficult Sleep

For pregnant women who have difficulty sleeping like insomnia, the Benefits of Gedi Leaves for Pregnant Women can be overcome. How to mix it is to boil the gedi leaves and can be drunk once a week, at night before going to bed at night. Not only that after waking up, defecating becomes smoother.

15. Gedi Leaves to Anticipate Respiratory Disorders in Pregnant Women

The concoction to make it is to prepare fresh gedi leaves plus fenugreek seeds which is a white flowering shrub plant from the family of beans with aromatic seeds usually used in curry powder. Then added with Ammonium Chloride and honey as an effective tonic to cure bronchitis, asthma, and dry cough. This can increase the resistance to respiratory infections. This mixture is prepared as much as 30 ml three times a day.

In addition to the benefits of gedy leaves for pregnant women there are several other benefits that I know of and can be consumed by other than pregnant women, namely:
1. Prevent Osteoporosis: it has been proven by research, and the results are that the bones can be prevented porous if someone consumes these leaves.
2. Preventing Heart Disease: Gedi leaves contain flavonoids and high fiber which will help prevent heart disease
3. Ulcer Medicine: The content in gedi leaves can protect the stomach lining.
4. Helps to overcome kidney disease, depression and convulsions: The flavonoid content in these leaves will prevent seizures. Flowers from gedy leaves also help overcome seizures due to epilepsy.
5. As Healthy Vegetables At least one day we need to complete a healthy 4 + 5 perfect menu
6. Rich in Protein and Vitamin A
Gedi leaves have more protein than spinach. When other protein sources are difficult to reach, the leaves can be an alternative choice. In addition, gedy leaves contain two times the vitamin A.
7. Contains Vitamin C which is very high
Gedi leaves have a high fiber content. In addition, the vitamin C it contains has as much content as a banana. So that it contains twice the amount of Riboflavin, Thiamine and Minerals. These include iron, potassium and calcium.
8. Gedi Leaves Can Cause Hyperpigmentation
In some cases, women who consume gedy leaves cause discoloration of the skin. Or sometimes it makes an individual more sensitive to treatments that use lasers. It also can be more sensitive to sunset light.
9. Gedi Leaves Can Reduce Blood Pressure
Because these leaves can reduce sugar levels so these leaves need to be avoided by sufferers of low blood sugar levels.

10. Gedi Leaves To Heal Wounds

This is obtained from the activity of petroleum ether and methanol extract contained therein. The content is found in the stems of this plant. This wound healing process is significant because of the ester extract it has. This is evidenced in studies of injured mice, and wound healing occurs faster.

11. Gedi Leaves Are Good For Restoring Sick Organs

In the recovery of diseased organs gedy leaves can help the healing process. This can be by concocting a gedy leaf mixture in the form of juice as much as 0.5 to 1 cup per day until healed.

12. Gedi Leaves As Anti-Inflammation

Usually in the African community who are also familiar with these leaves use it as an herb to reduce inflammation or swelling due to infection. Not only that they also use it for abscess or suppuration. This is due to the content of polyphenols and flavonoids that can overcome the inflammation. 

13. Gedi Leaves As Prevention of Heart Disease

Inside the gedi leaf contains flavanoid components that can reduce the risk of heart attack. By consuming gedy leaves, high blood pressure can become normal and reduce cholesterol levels in the body. otherwise it can strengthen the walls of blood capillaries. 
14. Gedi Leaves To Reduce Cholesterol At blood levels that have cholesterol will have a risk of atheroclerosis. With the consumption of gedi leaves, it will provide a protective effect on cells. Flavanoid compounds contained in gedi leaves give effect to the hydrogen atoms in the fat chain to be more stable and can inhibit the process of auotooxidation. 
15. Some of the compounds that are found in Gedi Leaves: 
a) Alkaloids: These are basic compounds that can neutralize acids in the body 
b) Tannin: Is a polyphenol compound that can treat inflammation 
c) Terpenoids: Useful as antioxidants 
d) Saponins: Serves to add savory flavors and natural food thickening agents 
e) Flavonoids: An anti-inflammatory agent that can also strengthen blood capillaries 
f) Polyphenols: useful in heart health and protect against being made free of Serotonin, as an antidepressant 
g) Vitamin A: Beta carotene that is needed for eye health and growth and for the health of lenders in the intestine. 
h) Vitamin C: Very useful in preventing infection, bone formation, activating respiratory cells and blood vessels 

That's what I know about the Benefits of Gedi Leaves for Pregnant Women taken from several sources, coincidentally I also planted it in the home page and started to try it, if you need gedy plants in the form of cuttings in polybags or in the form of stems, God willing, I will send it / distributed for FREE and you only need to replace the polybag, packing with a weight of 500Gr and changing the shipping fee, please check the shipping cost via JNE, Post Office or Express Deposit, etc. from my place in Cililin, West Bandung Regency to your home address. Thus a review of the Benefits of Gedi Leaves for Pregnant Women that I took from several sources, If it is useful for you there is no harm in sharing knowledge with friends / relatives who are pregnant who knows they need this information and make it a Worship in sharing knowledge that is useful, because by sharing / SHARE this information means you have helped others from distress. And how to share it, please note or click this link ... then share via WA

 Healthy Greetings Hopefully Helpful.