Level of Cholesterol Disease is Low Cholesterol and High Cholesterol, in this article I will discuss about high cholesterol that has become a very common health problems and Adults who have entered the middle age are exposed to high cholesterol. This is because it has a bad and unhealthy lifestyle.
Consuming foods that contain high saturated fats and lack of exercise will also affect and exposed to high cholesterol.Along with the increasing number of deaths due to causes of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer due to high cholesterol, the public became aware of the importance of health.
Many people want to lower their cholesterol naturally and traditionally. And actually a lot of traditional medicine types of cholesterol healers, but in this article I will only explain 5 Types of Traditional Medicine Cholesterol Healers, please if you are exposed or have symptoms of cholesterol to try it as directed.
1. Garlic
You must already know Garlic, Garlic is usually used to make cooking spices so that the cuisine will become more delicious. But now you can try as a cholesterol-lowering by eating a few cloves of garlic every day. Garlic contains glucosinates that can work to reduce bad cholesterol and increase healthy cholesterol levels.
In addition, garlic will relieve various symptoms associated with high cholesterol such as:
- Plaque In Arteries,
- Blood Vessel Refinement,
- High blood pressure,
- Infections Due To Lousy Cholesterol And
- Blood Clotting Risk.
How to consume is:
Eat 3 to 4 cloves of garlic every day. Then drink enough water to prevent the danger of dehydration.2. Red Onion and Honey
Surely you already know the type of Onion, red onion is also a complement to cooking because it will increase the taste of cuisine. Onion has been proven by several herbal health experts in China and Hongkong. And containing flavonoids that will reduce LDL also increase good cholesterol. In addition, according to research onion contains quercetin which will increase good cholesterol.
How to consume is:
To get flavonoid and quercetin in red onion then use red onion into lalapan, mix it as spice by boiling and saute onion with small fire. This will help maintain levels of flavonoids and quercetin.
3. Orange Juice
Orange juice made from all types of oranges will help lower cholesterol. In ancient times orange juice into a traditional drink that can help maintain health. Each orange juice contains nutrients that will fight cholesterol like flavonoids, vitamin C and folate. In addition, the content of phytosterol in orange juice will reduce LDL up to 12%. However, orange juice should be consumed without sugar or replace the honey with honey. Avoid factory-made orange juice containing preservatives.
How to consume is:
Drink orange juice as much as three cups every day. In the morning before meals and not after meals.
4. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a natural food of the type of wheat crop. And contains fiber that is soluble in liquid and beta glucan. Both of these ingredients will effectively lower fat and cholesterol in the body.
Indonesian society is already accustomed to consume heavy food for breakfast. The habit of adding a side dish containing fat in the morning can indeed increase body energy. But for people with high cholesterol, then replace a heavy breakfast with a bowl of oatmeal
How to consume is to cook three or four tablespoons of oatmeal with warm water until it becomes mush. To enhance the taste add banana slices, strawberries or various types of nuts such as almonds and walnuts.
5. Water Coriander
Coriander is a spice that can enhance the flavor and aroma of each dish. Coriander has a very strong aroma. Natural ingredients in cilantro can increase good cholesterol by beating excessive LDL in the body. In addition, coriander can help the process of absorption of sugar in the body so as to reduce the risk of diabetes.
How to cultivate coriander for traditional medicine:
- Cook 2 spoon of cilantro with 1 cup water to boil.
- Strain and cool the water then drink in the morning and evening.
- You can add honey or milk to enhance the taste.
That's the explanation of the 5 Types of Traditional Medicine Cholesterol healers, again in fact there are still many types of traditional medicine for lowering High cholesterol to be low and really back to normal.
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