
10 Traditional Drugs that Must Be KNOWN

Many people want to lower their cholesterol naturally and traditionally. And actually a lot of traditional medicine types of cholesterol healers, but in this article I will only explain 10 Types of Traditional Medicine Cholesterol Healers, please if you are exposed or have symptoms of cholesterol to try it according to the instructions

1. Consumption of VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil)

Virgin Coconut Oil is a pure coconut oil that is processed in a modern way. Oil is obtained by extracting pure extract from coconut. This oil is different from the type of coconut oil that is often used as a traditional oil for cooking. Qualified VCOs have signs like strong coconut scent, strong and colorless or very clear palm taste. The content of lauric acid in the VCO is believed to increase HDL or good cholesterol. Even VCO is a natural remedy as a way of treating ulcers.
How to: add a few spoons of organic VCO oil in a salad or a variety of your dishes. You can also drink 1 or 2 teaspoons of VCO every morning.

2. Drink Salmon Fish Oil

Salmon oil supplements are a good cholesterol traditional medicine to lower cholesterol. Oil that is processed from salmon material can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and memory disorders such as dementia. The content of omega 3 fatty acids in salmon oil will increase good cholesterol in the body. In addition, omega 3 fatty acids can also reduce high sugar levels for obese people. The salmon itself is one type of healthy diet for weight loss diet.
How to: Drink salmon oil supplements every day. Choose the type of salmon oil that is natural and really healthy. Read the ingredients in the salmon oil label.

3. Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy to overcome various diseases. This medicine is very good for lowering cholesterol because it contains high acid levels. But for patients with ulcer disease, should be the consumption of apple cider vinegar in limited quantities. Apple cider vinegar contains natural ingredients like flavonoids that will fight cholesterol and triglycerides in your body. Apple cider vinegar is good to be consumed with pure apple ingredients and no other ingredients.
• Drink one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of warm water. To get effective results then drink for 30-40 days every day.
• If you do not like the taste of pure apple cider vinegar then drink 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a mixture of orange juice or apple juice.

4. Drinking Black Tea

Black tea is very good for lowering cholesterol. Even a study proves that black tea can prevent cancer naturally. Research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture shows if consumption of five cups of black tea in a week can lower cholesterol by 10%. But consumption of black tea should also be balanced with a healthy diet such as low-fat foods, low cholesterol foods and low-sugar foods. The study also proves that consumption of black tea may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
How to: Drink black tea every morning or evening without added sugar. Note a balanced nutritional intake while performing this treatment.
Also read: the dangers of drinking tea for health - the dangers of drinking tea every day - the dangers of drinking milk tea - the danger of drinking tea after a meal.

5. Eat Gooseberry Fruits

Gooseberry fruit is a very famous fruit in the region of Europe, Southeast Asia and West Africa. This fruit contains nutrients such as potassium which can help improve blood circulation in the body, a very good fiber to improve digestion and as a way to overcome constipation. In addition, gooseberry fruit contains corilagin which can prevent the buildup of cholesterol and plaque in the arteries. Therefore the effect is also very good for preventing heart disease and overcome the problem of blood peredarah in the body.
How to: Consume natural fruit extract of gooseberry for a full month to lower cholesterol. You can consume gooseberry extract in powder form made in a way like making milk drinks from milk powder.

6. Drink Chocolate Brown Powder

Chocolate is usually much avoided by people who have high cholesterol levels. But it turns out that dark chocolate is very good for lowering cholesterol. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that will fight cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels. According to research conducted by medical experts in America, black chocolate can increase HDL levels in the body up to 24%. This effect occurs when the natural antioxidant substances of chocolate will bind to LDL and prevent the occurrence of blood clots in the arteries. (read also: the danger of eating chocolate after eating noodles)
How to: Drink chocolate powder black every day without added sugar or milk. Chocolate that has been mixed with milk is less effective to lower cholesterol because it already contains fat.

7. Use Olive Oil

Olive oil is the secret of beauty and longevity for people in Korea, Japan and Europe. Olive oil is produced from the fruits and leaves of the olive tree. These ingredients contain trans monoenoic fatty acids that can lower bad cholesterol levels. Even the consumption of olive oil on a regular basis can reduce fat accumulation in the stomach. This will help your body become healthier and a more ideal body shape. Of course the consumption of olive oil should be accompanied by healthy diet tips such as low fat diet.
How to: use olive oil to mix salad, stir fry seasoning, cooking chicken or fish by baking. So do not hesitate to replace vegetable oil with olive oil.

8. Consumption of Artichoke Leaf Extract

Vegetable artichokes are an excellent type of vegetable to lower cholesterol. Although this vegetable is not the kind of vegetables that are easily found in Indonesia. Part of artichoke is very useful to lower cholesterol is artichoke leaf extract. This material contains compounds like cynarin that will increase the amount of bile in your liver. Then the effect will increase cholesterol expenditure from within the body, prevent the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries and make cholesterol levels in the blood dropped dramatically. Selaiun that artichoke vegetables also include good food for gallstones and burn bad fats in the body.
How to: insert artichoke leaf material that has been formed into extract or powder in all types of your cooking

9. Consumption of Healthy Beans

Different types of nuts are very good for the body and can help lower cholesterol in the body. Various types of nuts contain fiber and sterols that will improve the digestion and cholesterol in the body. Types of nuts that you can consume regularly are like walnuts, almonds, pecan, pistachios, and pinto beans. Consumption of a handful of various nuts every day can help lower cholesterol naturally and keep the digestive process. According to research conducted in Arizona, proven if all types of nuts can help remove bad cholesterol and turn it into healthy cholesterol.

10. Eat Spinach Spinach Soup

Spinach is known as green vegetables that can increase body energy. Spinach is known to contain high iron which will encourage the production of red blood cells in the body. In addition, the nutrients found in spinach are excellent lutein to prevent macular degeneration disease. But it turns out lutein can also help absorb plaque and cholesterol that accumulate in the arteries. So lutein in spinach will also lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease.
How to: Vegetable consumption of spinach soup with a mixture of carrots every day can reduce high cholesterol. But for people with uric acid then avoid excessive spinach consumption. Also try to choose the type of organic spinach that does not contain pesticides. (read also: the dangers of spinach for people with gout)



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